Advance Healthcare Planning Part 2:
Why Filling Out Your Forms is Not Enough
In Part One of this article, I discussed why every mentally-competent individual over the age of 18 needs to have advance healthcare plans in place. Here we will look at the in’s and out’s of how to make sure your plans will be able to be put into effect when the time comes. To put the importance of Advance Healthcare Planning (AHP) into perspective, consider the following facts:
• Doctors are trained to preserve and save lives and for many it is difficult and sometimes considered a professional failure to broach the subject of death and referral to palliative care or Hospice services rather than to suggest yet another treatment with slim possibilities of helping the patient to recover.
• According to the Center for Disease Control the vast majority of Americans say they want to die at home, but 75% die in a hospital or nursing home.
• Almost 1/3 of Americans see 10 or more doctors in the last 6 months of their life, most dying in the ICU. (Source: Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, 2005)
• In 2009, Medicare paid $55 billion just for doctor and hospital bills for the last two months of patients’ lives. That’s more than the budget for the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Education. It’s been estimated that 20-30% of these medical expenses may have had no meaningful impact. Most of these bills were paid by the Federal government with few or no questions asked. (Source: The Cost of Dying, 60 Minutes, 8/8/10)
As mentioned, most of us who have even filled out our Advance Healthcare Directives, are woefully in the dark about some very important aspects of how this all works. Basically, filling out the forms simply isn’t enough. That’s only one of five critically important things you have to do to ensure that whoever you appoint as your Healthcare Proxy will be able to speak competently on your behalf if, and when, you cannot speak for yourself. The five key things you need to do are:
1. Educate Yourself and Others: Before you fill out any forms, educate yourself about all the terms and nuances involved. Understand the purpose of each form as well as what it can and cannot do. Here are some fundamental points you should be aware of:
• A Healthcare Proxy is a legal document. It can be overridden by either a revised form or by your spoken word (when conscious and mentally competent). Your proxy is only called upon if and when important healthcare decisions need to be made and you are unable to do so for yourself. This means, anytime you are having surgery and being anesthetized, are unconscious briefly or for an extended period of time, or are declared mentally incompetent to speak for yourself. If you don’t have this form filled out in advance of need, then you forfeit the opportunity to exercise your right to choose a spokesperson.
• Remember, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 28% of us die before reaching the age of 65 – so do yourself and your family a great service by educating yourself and them about Advance Healthcare Planning.
• When selecting your healthcare proxy and alternate proxy, your obvious choice is often not the right one. Don’t worry about offending anyone for not choosing them, but be sure to explain to them why you made another choice. For example, my brother was my obvious choice, but when I reflected on how hard it was for him to be around our mother when she was dying, I realized how hard it would be for him to serve me in that way and chose someone else, but have made sure he will be well-informed and able to just focus on being my loving brother. Other than the legal criteria spelled out by your state laws, consider the following in choosing your proxy. Pick someone who:
• Knows you well and will respect your wishes and needs even if they would make different personal choices.
• Can provide a safe emotional space to share your thoughts and feelings without imposing theirs on you.
• Will be able to take care of him or herself while serving in this capacity for you.
• Will support your needs even when the going gets tough.
• Will be able to speak up to doctors and caregivers to be sure your wishes are honored.
• Will stay informed of your condition and be available to make important decisions.
• Is likely to be available in the future. For example, does he/she live close by? If not, will they come if needed?
• Will be able to be assertive in handling potential conflicts between your family, friends, doctors, and/or caregivers?
• A Living Will is not always considered a legal document, but is intended to provide clear and convincing evidence of your wishes regarding care and treatment in the event that you are deemed to have no reasonable expectation of recovery. The purpose of a living will is to exercise your right to instruct your doctors and caregivers to withhold or withdraw treatments that would simply prolong your life under such conditions and to focus instead of keeping you comfortable and pain-free. Specific treatments that are often withheld or withdrawn are:
• Cardiac Resuscitation (CPR) is a group of treatments used when someone’s heart and/or breathing ceases. CPR attempts to restart the heart and breathing through mouth-to-mouth breathing, pressing on the chest to circulate the blood, electric shock, and/or drugs to stimulate the heart. When used quickly in response to a sudden event like a heart attack or drowning, it can be life saving. However, if someone has stopped breathing for more that 4-6 minutes lack of oxygen to the brain may lead to brain damage. It is important to realize that the success rate for CPR is extremely low for people at the end of a terminal disease process – especially for the elderly where successful CPR, if achieved at all, is seldom sustainable and often results in broken ribs.
• Mechanical Respiration involves inserting a tube through the nose or mouth and into the windpipe, forcing air into the lungs. For the dying patient, mechanical ventilation often merely prolongs the dying process until some other body system fails. It can supply oxygen, but it cannot improve the underlying condition.
• Artificial Nutrition and Hydration can save one’s life by supplementing or replacing ordinary eating and drinking when used while the body is healing. It can also be used long-term for those with serious intestinal disorders or an irreversible and end-stage condition. Withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration does not cause starvation or pain to the patient and no legal or ethical issues exist when this is done in accordance with the patient’s wishes. It is the underlying disease and NOT the withdrawal of treatment that causes death.
• Antibiotics are often used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities where elderly and terminally ill patients are often vulnerable to contagious and opportunistic infections. Antibiotics tend to weaken the immune system and make the patient susceptible to other infections and a downward spiral of one infection and antibiotic after another.
• Maximum Pain Relief, including the use of narcotic medications for the terminally ill patient is considered by many to be truly compassionate and humane. It is indeed for this purpose that these medications exist because they enable doctors to effectively treat most pain and keep the patient comfortable.
2. Fill Out Your Forms: As mentioned in Part 1 of this article, there are lots of wonderful websites to consult about the in’s and out’s of Advance Healthcare Planning. For the state of New York, for example, I recommend going to Excellus BlueCross BlueShield to view their Advance Care Planning booklet which can be downloaded from their site. Similar sites exist for all states and provide detailed explanations of the in’s and out’s of Advance Healthcare Planning and provide the state’s forms.
3. Communicate Effectively
Talk to your healthcare proxy, family, loved ones, and doctors about the specifics of your wishes regarding end-of-life care. Don’t be surprised if they resist and/or insist they don’t want to talk about things like that. Ask them to listen for you because it is important to you and because you do not want any squabbling or misunderstanding over your wishes regarding care and your choice of a Healthcare Proxy.
4. Distribute and Enforce: Plain and simple – what good are your forms if no one knows where they are or what they say? You need to know where your forms are and you need to make copies and distribute them to your doctor(s), proxy and alternate proxy, and bring a copy when being admitted to the hospital or having a same day surgery – in other words, any time you might be put under anesthesia. Get a business card-size proxy form for your wallet. There is one, for example, that can be used for anyone from any state at the end of the Excellus BlueCross Blue Shield Advance Care Planning booklet mentioned in #2 above. Also, keep a copy of your proxy and Living Will in the glove compartment of your car and bring them with you whenever traveling – especially overseas.
5. Review Your Decisions at Least Each Year: When looking over your forms each year, be sure to check online to find out if there have been any changes in your state’s laws regarding AHP. If so, review those to be sure your forms and understanding of the laws are up to date. If needed, redo your forms and redistribute them as discussed in #4 above. Each year and whenever there is a major change such as a change in the law or a new medical treatment option that might affect your choices or you receive a terminal diagnosis, have a change of marital status, relationship, or a change of heart review your Healthcare Proxy and Living Will to be sure they remain an accurate reflection of your wishes.
Advance Healthcare Planning is your right, but it is your responsibility to get in the driver’s seat and exercise that right. That is not a one-time thing. Circumstances change and so do our minds. Pay attention and take care of your precious self so others can take care of you according to your wishes if such a time comes.
Please circulate this article among your social network – it might save someone’s life or at least save them from a lot of heartbreak.
Is Your God Too Small?
Do you experience God? Or, is God a concept to you? Or, perhaps God is not something that matters to you.
As a mentor and grief counselor, I hear a lot about people’s deepest beliefs and fears. I am particularly fascinated by how a belief in God is expressed in how people live their lives.
What does it mean to believe in God? In its broadest sense, it means having a worldview that includes the existence of God.
Here are three attempts to define God in words:
I find it interesting that we define God in human terms and with human attributes and aspirations. It is difficult to formulate ideas about God without imagining God to exist in within space and time. We are likely to get caught up in a “Where’s Waldo?” kind of speculation about the placement of God. Is God outside of us and/or within us? When God is perceived in man’s image and attributed a pronoun, we limit God by our cognitive capabilities and imagination. This line of thinking omits the possibility of a formless and unfathomable God.
There are many things that we do not or cannot know. This is the territory of faith, trust, and surrender. Some people lose faith in God when things happen that they do not understand or are unable to comprehend. For example, when a child dies. Some people lose their faith saying, “What kind of a god would let a child die?” Others give up on God because they cannot abide by the hard knocks they have encountered in their lives. They stop believing in God because they have a stronger belief that God has failed them. So, they fire God and declare themselves the god of their life. These gods are way too small.
When someone finds little or no interest in spiritual matters, that does not mean that these dimensions do not exist. As professed by the Delphic Oracle, expressed in the teachings of Dutch Renaissance humanist, Desiderius Erasmus, and carved over the front door of the eminent psychologist Carl Jung —
For Jung this statement served to remind those entering that awe of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom (Psalms 111.10).
Many do not believe in the existence of a creator of this world and all who exist in it. Others recognize a mystical quality to life that awakens and inspires a sense of spiritual mystery and an aspiration to goodness.
My awareness of God is constantly evolving and God remains fundamental to my worldview. My understanding of myself as a spiritual being has evolved from conceptual to experiential.
As a child, I thought of God as a fatherly man in a white robe. He lived on a cloud and ran the whole world. That god, conceived by man, in the image of man, became too small for me. The God I speak of now is not limited by human vocabulary, form, or imagination. I no longer try to conceptualize God, I experience God to be something greater than us that has us. I live with an awareness of God’s presence.
As I awakened spiritually, I came to know myself as a soul among other souls having human experiences. In the higher levels of consciousness above my ego, I came to know myself to be an individuated aspect or expression of the divine that cannot be created or destroyed.
Now, even my perceived identity as a soul is giving way into the divine as a pervading oneness. I have come to know God as the source of my life, my breath, and my multi-dimensional existence as a soul, body, and consciousness. I experience God as oneness and a creative, purposeful force of all we experience.
While I believe that we all are essentially divine beings, it is apparent that we have varying degrees of awareness of that reality. And, when we are not aware of something––it is as though it does not exist for us. And, we function accordingly.
In his book, The Idea of the Holy, German theologian Rudolph Otto ponders how we are to stand in relationship to God. He concludes that we should stand before God in drop jaw awe – beyond words and concepts. When we realize that God is beyond our comprehension, we stand at the edge of our unknowing either in fear or trust, depending on whether we imagine a wrathful or a loving God.
Unique perspectives of spiritual awareness are activated in different individuals. I believe that one’s level of awareness is perfect for whatever that individual is doing in this lifetime. It is not better or worse than the level of awakening of another person.
I remember two weeks before my mother’s death when she had a profound spiritual awakening. Her relationship to God was upgraded from a conceptual belief in God to knowing experientially that God was breathing her. She urgently wanted everyone in the world to know because, as she explained:
If you would like to know more about me and my work, please explore my website here.
Are You Good Enough?
The short answer is “Yes!” But the real problem is the question itself. When we worry about whether we are good enough we are buckling ourselves at the knees over a perceived flaw rather than standing tall in the fullness of our being.
This act of questioning our sufficiency causes us to feel inferior without our even realizing it. So, it’s a good idea to ask a better question from time to time to monitor your well-being – “Is there anywhere in my life that I experience concern about whether or not I am good enough?” That’s a question we can do something with.
Here’s an example. Recently I was applying for representation for some of my work in order to get greater visibility. In my monthly creative support group, I discussed my concerns about areas where I didn’t meet the desired qualifications this organization specified. One of my colleagues redirected my attention to the areas where I did measure up and exceeded their expectations. He questioned why I was focusing on my apparent shortcomings by comparing myself to a list of desired qualifications. I realized that was a pattern of behavior for me and that I tended to hold myself up to standards of perfection rather than confidently sharing what I have to offer.
In seeing this, I was able to shift my perspective. That allowed me to break free of my self-imposed rejection which in turn enabled me to proudly offer my strengths. Somehow, I had been assuming that everyone else had strength in all areas of consideration and that I wasn’t worthy of consideration because I had some shortcomings.
My friend helped me realize that we are all mixed bags of strengths and weaknesses. I reframed my goal. Rather than seeking approval from one specific company, I sought to find a healthy match between what I have to offer and an organization that is excited to find me. I realized that I wanted a company that could support me in moving to the next level of my growth and development.
Look in your own life to see where you tell yourself you are not good enough. Do you body shame yourself? Do you tell yourself you are not smart enough? Talented enough? Attractive enough? Accomplished enough? If there are areas where you do this take it to the next level and ask yourself, “Why do I do this to myself? What are my mental and emotional consequences of questioning my worthiness?”
Another way of looking at this issue is to consider the fact that the concern about being good enough is an expression of giving your personal power or agency away. You are telling yourself that other people are better equipped to judge your value than you are. You give them the authority to do so. Here are some examples of questions or thoughts that demonstrate that you are out of balance with yourself:
This issue all boils down to our relationship with ourself and whether or not we are president of our own fan club. Rabbi Hillel the Elder (110 BC – 10 AD) deepens this question of doubting our own worthiness and invites us to more fully participate in our own life by asking:
Finally, rather than relating to your shortcomings as predictors of failure, consider building skill in making the most of whatever you have. If you are playing cards and have been dealt a bad hand, don’t fold your cards and give up. Instead, consider it a challenge to achieve the best possible results with such a hand. It’s not the hand you are dealt that determines your fate. It’s how you play the hand you are dealt that will be the true measure of your worthiness.
If you would like to know more about me and my work, please explore my website here.
Do You Play the Victim in Your Life?
Do you live at the cause or at the effect of your own life? Do you think what you experience is a response to other people and external events? Or do you see how you create, promote, and allow what happens to you? When we play the victim, we are placing ourselves at the effect of someone else’s attitude or behavior. Here are some of the major ways playing the victim shows up:
It is about choosing to tell yourself two key messages:
Let’s look at some examples:
Stop making excuses and blaming others for your unhappiness. Henry Ford offered great wisdom about taking charge of our lives:
Here’s a simple 3-step process for reclaiming any personal power you are giving away through playing the victim:
1. Notice when you are playing the victim. Without judgment and with a great sense of humor, observe yourself. Notice all the subtle and blatant ways that you declare yourself to be a powerless victim. Be really honest with yourself about this. The more you see, the more you can do something about it. Look at things like:
2. Pay attention to your inner dialogue. What are you telling yourself is true? Be honest about what you are really thinking and feeling. Gather as much detail as you can and ask yourself:
3. Make two new choices: Choose to take responsibility for your behavior and to create a different response. Keeping your sense of humor, start experimenting with new ways of thinking and behaving in these situations. Armed with your new awareness of what you will do and what will happen if you don’t do something different try some of the following techniques:
If you want to take this to a deeper level, remember how your life looked to you through your eyes as a child when you were hurt or upset. Look for the bottom line message you told yourself about what was going on. See if that isn’t the same bottom line you are going to as an adult. This can be powerful and illuminating.
If you would like to know more about me and my work, please explore my website here.
5 Keys to Living from the Inside Out
Are you living at the cause or the effect of what is happening in your life? Are you living from the outside in or the inside out? Is your life a series of reactions to external events and the beliefs and behaviors of others? Or, do you live connected deeply within yourself and respond to others and outer events from a sense of inner attunement.
As children, most of us are taught to obey and follow the lead of our parents and teachers. If we are lucky, at some point we begin to develop a sense of our own unique identity. Over time, we begin to develop awareness of an inner truth. Increasingly, we learn to respond to the situations and events of our life from that place. We shift away from simply being tossed about in this world, reacting to what happens outside ourselves.
Here are five keys to recognizing whether you are living your life from the inside out rather than the outside in:
1) Your thoughts and actions are expressions of an inner sense of your identity and intentions. When we lose track of our inner center, our sense of well-being is primarily defined by external factors. For example, our mood may go up and down in reaction to the stock market. Or, we may be busy trying to get the approval of other people as a way to feel good about ourselves. When we are centered in ourselves, we don’t simply judge what happens as “good” or “bad.” We develop our ability to work with whatever is present in our lives. Our response is our engagement in life from a deep reference point of who we know ourselves to be.
2) You experience a fairly steady state of well-being rather than a high-drama roller coaster ride. When you are centered in yourself, bad things still happen to you. But, you react differently. You might even view the hard challenges of your life as opportunities to grow and to develop skills. You learn to stop spinning like a hamster in a wheel. You stop calling all your friends to tell your tale of woe and to spew all your anger and judgment about what someone did to you. Instead, you may turn to your friends for support and a new perspective on the situation, letting them know where you feel stuck. While experiencing your own vulnerability, you take ownership of your experience. You take action from a place of who you know yourself to be. You respond by creating, promoting and allowing only that which brings you into greater balance and well-being. And sometimes, that may take quite a while.
3) You experience a sense of flow and harmony in your life rather than a barrage of random happenings. For example, my friend Roy’s 94th birthday was the other day. He has been bedridden for over a year now. He barely has the energy to keep his eyes open or to speak. I wanted to do something meaningful for his birthday but was at a loss for ideas. I didn’t want to bring him a card that spoke in glowing terms about the future.
Roy had helped me tend my gardens for many years. So, I brought him an iris that usually only blooms in May but was blooming in mid-October! I also brought some tapes of harp and angelic voice music by Therese Schroeder-Sheker of the Chalice of Repose Project. They had arrived just before I left for his house. This music is designed to lovingly care for the physical and spiritual needs of the dying.
It was all perfect. I held a clear intention with no idea what to do. I just trusted and waited. Before I learned to function in this way, I would have tried too hard to force things to happen, and they just wouldn’t have worked out well at all.
4) You have a basic sense of being in the driver’s seat of your own life rather than a victim of circumstances and events. It is so empowering to know yourself to be at the cause rather than at the effect of your life. You are less likely to feel that you are in competition with other people. Rather, you marshal your inner resources and focus on doing the best you can. You might find yourself humbled by results that fall short of your wishes, but knowing that you did your best. You routinely focus your skills, abilities and resources to address the situation at hand. It can be quite satisfying. I like to use one of Dr. Phil’s favorite questions: “How’s that working for you?” It helps me to take ownership of my thoughts and actions.
5) You seek to achieve inner states of consciousness rather than outer things. While you might love nice things, your true happiness is no longer a result of having them. Rather, it comes from achieving a sense of inner balance and well-being.
You do not measure your own worth or that of others according to monetary abundance or scarcity. You are focused inward, not outward and measure your success by your ability to maintain a sense of inner balance. You do your best to respond to the flow of your life. Life becomes an expression of honesty, integrity and kindness.
Can you think of other keys to living from the inside out?
If you would like to know more about me and my work, please explore my website here.
Do You Know How Powerful Your Thoughts Are?
In the theater of your mind is a multi-dimensional consciousness.Your perception of each new experience is processed through the filter of your responses to similar experiences in the past.
Thus, the more a particular thought or belief is activated and reinforced, the stronger these neural pathways become. In turn, the more automatically they become our “go to” pattern of perceiving and responding. For example, social influences and family beliefs have a powerful impact in molding our point of view as individuals. The are repetitive messengers that serve as a reference point for us. We may find ourselves aligning with these messages or rebelling against them.
Neuroplasticity is our brains ability to change our synaptic wiring, which is reflected in our point of view. Here’s some good news about that.
Simply put – when we change our attitude, we change our experience. Indeed, we have the opportunity to be powerful creators of our own consciousness. The alternative is to be passive heirs to the autopilot programming of our own history and external influencers.
When we are operating unconsciously on autopilot, we are perceiving new experiences based on similar old experience. We are interpreting them in a way that is in alignment with our existing beliefs, fears, hopes, and dreams. Quite literally, it’s almost impossible for a different point of view to get through to us when we are on autopilot.
Over time, when we are running on autopilot, new experiences simply serve to validate our existing way of being in the world. Thus, when we are not consciously encountering our lives, our experiences simply validate and reinforce our existing beliefs. They fail to inform us of new possibilities.
When our perceptions are based on little or no conscious awareness and intention, our minds recycle preexisting attitudes, judgments, illusions, delusions, memories and memory patterns, thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes, and dreams. We exist in a veiled state unable to see what is right in front of us.
Autopilot is not all bad. When we establish healthy habits, for example, we can put them on autopilot. However, autopilot can get us in trouble if we have negative patterns of thoughts or emotions running us and we aren’t even aware of it.
Alternatively, when we create through conscious intention, we bring our awareness fresh and new to each present moment. We allow our point of view to change based on new input. This updating process allows new and different thoughts and feelings to emerge.
We have the ability to consciously direct our thoughts and feelings through the power of intention. We just need to take a more active role in creating more of what we want in our lives.
The state of our consciousness forms the bedrock upon which the dramas of our lives unfold.
We then inhabit that illusion and mistake it for our reality in the great drama of life.
An old Chinese proverb captures the power of our thinking in shaping our lives:
This is true for us as individuals as well as for groups and societies at large. Thoughts persisted in become taken for granted. They are often misidentified as the truth because of their familiarity. They become the building blocks and assumptions that serve as the foundation for our point of view. Unchallenged, they will invisibly run on autopilot and shape our future thinking.
Step into the process of creating your life through conscious intention, unencumbered by all of this. Allow yourself to be free and authentic. Choose to be more personally accountable and responsible for your own creations.
When our consciousness is present in the moment, we live in our authenticity. We encounter and integrate our new experiences, remaining open to change and alteration as appropriate. There becomes a fluidity and aliveness to our experiences rather than a rote repetition of the past. Even our deepest, most treasured beliefs no longer define who we are.
Let go of your story. Awaken to the magnificence of living more consciously in each moment. Just know that sometimes the price of admission is to let go of the need to be “right” in a fixed point of view. Choose to move fluidly through life, open to change and evolving your point of view.
If you would like to know more about me and my work, please explore my website here.
Leaving the Past Behind
Are you keeping your past alive in the present? Or have you harvested its lessons and learned from it? We all have scars from our past. But what do we do with them now? That’s a really important question.
In mentoring clients, I typically find that their current distress mirrors unresolved upsets from the past. For example, Ellen who was never able to feel loved by her father. She has now been repeatedly drawing men into her with whom she also failed to experience love. Why did this happen? Think of it as a karmic pattern that is seeking healing.
Ellen was caught in a pattern in which she had convinced herself that she was fundamentally unlovable. As I
observed her, I noticed that she was turned off by men who liked her. Instead, she was attracted to those who gave her no encouragement and treated her badly.
Could it be that she was simply staying in her comfort zone? This is counter-intuitive but typical. She knew herself as a woman who was rejected by the men whose affection she wanted. That became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
She didn’t know how to be a woman loved by men. Through her eyes as a child, she recognized that her father didn’t show her love. But she had falsely concluded that the reason was because she was unlovable. As a child, she could not see that he had difficulty expressing his caring for others. She carried that unchallenged belief forward into adulthood until we were able to expose it and release it together.
She came to see that the faulty conclusion of her past was inhibiting her from experiencing love in the present. It was wonderful to watch her realize that she had the power to change how she saw herself. She began taking pride in herself and replacing her old, self-rejecting belief with appreciation for her own goodness. As a result the affection of good men became desirable to her.
She stepped out of the belief that she was unlovable. She left the past behind. I asked her what life lesson this had taught her. She told me she learned to pay attention to her own beliefs about herself when in situations that were difficult for her to see if she was sabotaging herself.
I had a similar situation during a recent weight loss journey. I reached a plateau and couldn’t get the scale to move despite following all the rules. In observing myself, I realized the issue was emotional. In listening to my self-talk, I kept hearing, “I don’t know her.” When I explored this, I recognized that I was afraid to go past that particular number on the scale. In my mind it represented a level of success with which I was not comfortable. I knew how to be almost successful, but I didn’t know how to go for and get the brass ring of success. It took several months before I was able to break through this barrier. Now I am learning new life skills and a level of self-trust that was not apparent and therefore not available to me before.
Leaving the past behind often requires that we recognize the ways we sabotage ourselves out of fear of moving into the unknown. Being good at failing and being disappointed doesn’t mean you can’t also be really good at success and exceeding your dreams. It simply requires a new point of view.
If you would like to know more about me and my work, please explore my website here.
Advance Healthcare Planning Part 2: Why Filling Out Your Forms is Not Enough
Advance Healthcare Planning Part 2:
Why Filling Out Your Forms is Not Enough
In Part One of this article, I discussed why every mentally-competent individual over the age of 18 needs to have advance healthcare plans in place. Here we will look at the in’s and out’s of how to make sure your plans will be able to be put into effect when the time comes. To put the importance of Advance Healthcare Planning (AHP) into perspective, consider the following facts:
• Doctors are trained to preserve and save lives and for many it is difficult and sometimes considered a professional failure to broach the subject of death and referral to palliative care or Hospice services rather than to suggest yet another treatment with slim possibilities of helping the patient to recover.
• According to the Center for Disease Control the vast majority of Americans say they want to die at home, but 75% die in a hospital or nursing home.
• Almost 1/3 of Americans see 10 or more doctors in the last 6 months of their life, most dying in the ICU. (Source: Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, 2005)
• In 2009, Medicare paid $55 billion just for doctor and hospital bills for the last two months of patients’ lives. That’s more than the budget for the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Education. It’s been estimated that 20-30% of these medical expenses may have had no meaningful impact. Most of these bills were paid by the Federal government with few or no questions asked. (Source: The Cost of Dying, 60 Minutes, 8/8/10)
As mentioned, most of us who have even filled out our Advance Healthcare Directives, are woefully in the dark about some very important aspects of how this all works. Basically, filling out the forms simply isn’t enough. That’s only one of five critically important things you have to do to ensure that whoever you appoint as your Healthcare Proxy will be able to speak competently on your behalf if, and when, you cannot speak for yourself. The five key things you need to do are:
1. Educate Yourself and Others: Before you fill out any forms, educate yourself about all the terms and nuances involved. Understand the purpose of each form as well as what it can and cannot do. Here are some fundamental points you should be aware of:
• A Healthcare Proxy is a legal document. It can be overridden by either a revised form or by your spoken word (when conscious and mentally competent). Your proxy is only called upon if and when important healthcare decisions need to be made and you are unable to do so for yourself. This means, anytime you are having surgery and being anesthetized, are unconscious briefly or for an extended period of time, or are declared mentally incompetent to speak for yourself. If you don’t have this form filled out in advance of need, then you forfeit the opportunity to exercise your right to choose a spokesperson.
• Remember, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 28% of us die before reaching the age of 65 – so do yourself and your family a great service by educating yourself and them about Advance Healthcare Planning.
• When selecting your healthcare proxy and alternate proxy, your obvious choice is often not the right one. Don’t worry about offending anyone for not choosing them, but be sure to explain to them why you made another choice. For example, my brother was my obvious choice, but when I reflected on how hard it was for him to be around our mother when she was dying, I realized how hard it would be for him to serve me in that way and chose someone else, but have made sure he will be well-informed and able to just focus on being my loving brother. Other than the legal criteria spelled out by your state laws, consider the following in choosing your proxy. Pick someone who:
• Knows you well and will respect your wishes and needs even if they would make different personal choices.
• Can provide a safe emotional space to share your thoughts and feelings without imposing theirs on you.
• Will be able to take care of him or herself while serving in this capacity for you.
• Will support your needs even when the going gets tough.
• Will be able to speak up to doctors and caregivers to be sure your wishes are honored.
• Will stay informed of your condition and be available to make important decisions.
• Is likely to be available in the future. For example, does he/she live close by? If not, will they come if needed?
• Will be able to be assertive in handling potential conflicts between your family, friends, doctors, and/or caregivers?
• A Living Will is not always considered a legal document, but is intended to provide clear and convincing evidence of your wishes regarding care and treatment in the event that you are deemed to have no reasonable expectation of recovery. The purpose of a living will is to exercise your right to instruct your doctors and caregivers to withhold or withdraw treatments that would simply prolong your life under such conditions and to focus instead of keeping you comfortable and pain-free. Specific treatments that are often withheld or withdrawn are:
• Cardiac Resuscitation (CPR) is a group of treatments used when someone’s heart and/or breathing ceases. CPR attempts to restart the heart and breathing through mouth-to-mouth breathing, pressing on the chest to circulate the blood, electric shock, and/or drugs to stimulate the heart. When used quickly in response to a sudden event like a heart attack or drowning, it can be life saving. However, if someone has stopped breathing for more that 4-6 minutes lack of oxygen to the brain may lead to brain damage. It is important to realize that the success rate for CPR is extremely low for people at the end of a terminal disease process – especially for the elderly where successful CPR, if achieved at all, is seldom sustainable and often results in broken ribs.
• Mechanical Respiration involves inserting a tube through the nose or mouth and into the windpipe, forcing air into the lungs. For the dying patient, mechanical ventilation often merely prolongs the dying process until some other body system fails. It can supply oxygen, but it cannot improve the underlying condition.
• Artificial Nutrition and Hydration can save one’s life by supplementing or replacing ordinary eating and drinking when used while the body is healing. It can also be used long-term for those with serious intestinal disorders or an irreversible and end-stage condition. Withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration does not cause starvation or pain to the patient and no legal or ethical issues exist when this is done in accordance with the patient’s wishes. It is the underlying disease and NOT the withdrawal of treatment that causes death.
• Antibiotics are often used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities where elderly and terminally ill patients are often vulnerable to contagious and opportunistic infections. Antibiotics tend to weaken the immune system and make the patient susceptible to other infections and a downward spiral of one infection and antibiotic after another.
• Maximum Pain Relief, including the use of narcotic medications for the terminally ill patient is considered by many to be truly compassionate and humane. It is indeed for this purpose that these medications exist because they enable doctors to effectively treat most pain and keep the patient comfortable.
2. Fill Out Your Forms: As mentioned in Part 1 of this article, there are lots of wonderful websites to consult about the in’s and out’s of Advance Healthcare Planning. For the state of New York, for example, I recommend going to Excellus BlueCross BlueShield to view their Advance Care Planning booklet which can be downloaded from their site. Similar sites exist for all states and provide detailed explanations of the in’s and out’s of Advance Healthcare Planning and provide the state’s forms.
3. Communicate Effectively
Talk to your healthcare proxy, family, loved ones, and doctors about the specifics of your wishes regarding end-of-life care. Don’t be surprised if they resist and/or insist they don’t want to talk about things like that. Ask them to listen for you because it is important to you and because you do not want any squabbling or misunderstanding over your wishes regarding care and your choice of a Healthcare Proxy.
4. Distribute and Enforce: Plain and simple – what good are your forms if no one knows where they are or what they say? You need to know where your forms are and you need to make copies and distribute them to your doctor(s), proxy and alternate proxy, and bring a copy when being admitted to the hospital or having a same day surgery – in other words, any time you might be put under anesthesia. Get a business card-size proxy form for your wallet. There is one, for example, that can be used for anyone from any state at the end of the Excellus BlueCross Blue Shield Advance Care Planning booklet mentioned in #2 above. Also, keep a copy of your proxy and Living Will in the glove compartment of your car and bring them with you whenever traveling – especially overseas.
5. Review Your Decisions at Least Each Year: When looking over your forms each year, be sure to check online to find out if there have been any changes in your state’s laws regarding AHP. If so, review those to be sure your forms and understanding of the laws are up to date. If needed, redo your forms and redistribute them as discussed in #4 above. Each year and whenever there is a major change such as a change in the law or a new medical treatment option that might affect your choices or you receive a terminal diagnosis, have a change of marital status, relationship, or a change of heart review your Healthcare Proxy and Living Will to be sure they remain an accurate reflection of your wishes.
Advance Healthcare Planning is your right, but it is your responsibility to get in the driver’s seat and exercise that right. That is not a one-time thing. Circumstances change and so do our minds. Pay attention and take care of your precious self so others can take care of you according to your wishes if such a time comes.
Please circulate this article among your social network – it might save someone’s life or at least save them from a lot of heartbreak.
What’s Wrong with Right/Wrong Thinking?
Until we become aware of how our internal data processing determines the reality we perceive, we think we are reacting to an external reality rather than determining what that reality appears to be
For most of us, our socialization includes indoctrination into a binary model of consciousness. In other words, we are taught to sort people and experiences into right/wrong, beautiful/ugly, desirable/undesirable, good/bad, and so on. In fact, life is far more complex and messy than that. Learned biases and preferences short-circuit the process of developing curiosity about those differences that we are taught to reject. There is a built-in bias against diversity in this way of encountering unfamiliar people and experiences. Therefore, diversity requires a new way of perceiving beyond our autopilot right/wrong sorting process. In a binary approach there are only two choices. That means if we encounter someone who is different, we can’t both be “right” or “OK.” As a result, we develop very narrow tolerances for differences, rather than nurturing our curiosity and openness to all kinds of people and experiences.
The best way to tame your inclination to judge anyone who is different than you or any experience you don’t like is to become really curious and to call upon your inner detective. When we are quick to judge, we shut ourselves down. We also close ourselves off from additional information available to us. And our myopic view blinds us from alternative ways of seeing ourselves, the other person, and the situation itself.
When we become curious, we open ourselves up, and draw ourselves closer to those we don’t understand rather than shutting them out or pushing them away.
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it can save us from many a faulty assumption, preconceived notion, and narrow-minded interpretation of our shared reality. It is also the vital key to rising above the limitations of right/wrong thinking.
By about the age of five or six, we have the foundation of our self-image in place, and we begin to unconsciously protect, conceal, or improve our image of ourselves and to become competitive with the self-images of others. We spend most of our time focused outwards through our self-image as we navigate our way through the world and relate to the imagined self-images being projected by others.
We learn to live in a world that is a collective figment of our imaginations in which we attempt to defend and elevate our status relative to that of others.
We selectively filter our perceptions in such a way that we see things that support our existing beliefs and filter out things that do not agree with our way of seeing things. Learning how to become more conscious of our own unique data sorting process is essential to mastering the art of being who we authentically are.
Thriving involves consciously and intentionally developing our ability to override our usual way of being and perceiving. It requires looking within rather than being drawn to an external focus by the dominance of visual sensory input we receive. It means cultivating a non-judgmental perspective towards differences and an awareness of a level upon which we are all the same. This requires cultivation of a childlike curiosity rather than a defensive and competitive stance regarding our perceptions versus those of others.
Next time you encounter someone or something that threatens your preconceived notions of how things are and should be from your point of view, practice developing greater tolerance of differences and curiosity about how others see and experience our shared world. See if you can expand your comfort zone by choosing a both/and rather than an either/or state of mind. Instead of making different perspectives wrong, inquire and invite dialogue for the purpose of gaining a deeper appreciation for other points of view. The simple fact is that differences do exist. They don’t have to be perceived as a threat to our differing point of view. It’s how we choose to respond to that fact that makes all the difference in the world about our ability to peacefully co-exist or to wage wars against each other.
For further insight into mastering the art of being you, read more here. If you’re feeling social, I also provide daily wisdom and tidbits on my Instagram account. Give me a follow so we can thrive together!
When a Difference of Opinion Threatens a Friendship
What happens when you have a significant difference of opinion with someone you care deeply about? How do you evaluate what is going on? How do you treat each other? What kind of outcome can you expect? 20/20 hindsight gives us a much clearer understanding than what we see in the midst of a heated disagreement.
Here’s what I think is important to consider in dealing with a heated disagreement with someone you deeply care about:
1. You are not seeing the same situation the same way.
2. Each person has their own habitual ways of reacting.
3. The way out is not by making one person right and the other one wrong.
4. Behaviors have consequences.
5. You are responsible for the choices you make. And sometimes when we get hot under the collar, we don’t make very good choices. Nonetheless, we are responsible for our attitudes and behaviors.
I’m currently sorting my way through a disagreement that resulted in a 35-year precious friendship irreparably blowing up. I cannot speak to what the other person involved was experiencing and why she refused to try to heal what was happening. On my final appeal to her to do so, she responded, “Not in this lifetime.” No matter how unreasonable such a response might seem, I recognize that she has a right to make that choice.
Each person has their own way of reacting to a difference of opinion where the outcome is particularly important to them. For example, I first became aware of the problem with my friend when she expressed anger and judgement towards me and blamed her unhappiness on me. I reacted with shock and kept trying to share my very different perspective on what was going on, but she refused to hear it.
When one person refuses to seek healing and reconciliation, the other is forced to move forward without any shared resolution. For me, this is the hardest part – to have no hope and to be left to grieve a friendship I treasured. But life doesn’t always make sense. Our relationship is over, and there is nothing more for me to do about that. But there are life lessons for me to learn here about how I engage with others while remaining true to myself. Here are some of the things I am looking at:
None of us are perfect. I do believe that we are all doing the best we can, and this is what that looks like. All we can really ask of ourselves is to remain true to ourselves, be kind to each other, and stay open to learning our life lessons as we move through our experiences. Trials and tribulations are a natural part of life, and so it behooves us to build skill in meeting life’s challenges.
Being of Two Minds
Essentially, there are two contrasting frames of mind through which we perceive ourselves, our lives, environment, and each other. Leading edge thinkers in the field of human consciousness are encouraging us to do two things:
Think of these two states of mind existing on a continuum. At any given moment, you are functioning somewhere along that range. What we typically refer to as “awakening” or “becoming more enlightened” involves moving along this scale towards a greater ability to be fully present.
However, this does not require that we annihilate our ego. Rather, we learn to transcend its limitations. Both states of consciousness are always present. The ego strengthens our sense of self as a separate and unique being. Our process of individuation from infancy to adulthood relies on the ego’s reinforcement. However, there is a point at which we either fall into the trap of thinking we are only our ego/personality or we begin to suspect and explore our suspicion that there is more going on here – another dimension of being beyond our physical senses and what we perceive through the ego. This typically is motivated by a yearning for greater authenticity – a desire to nourish a truer and deeper part of the self than what is being perceived through the ego.
Those who are working to raise their state of consciousness are increasing their ability to be fully present and decreasing their inclination to act primarily out of their ego. Exploring and strengthening this ability to perceive life through this other state of consciousness is often referred to as awakening, enlightenment, or reaching a higher state of consciousness. It is a kind of self-realization and empowerment – what I call in my work, mastering the art of being you. It is characterized by a kind of alert awareness in the present moment that enables us to experience more dimensions of the human experience and to master the art of being who we are and living according to what deeply matters to us. Alternatively, those who do not pursue this kind of awakening tend to remain stuck in a repetitive, self-fulfilling prophecy of their ego’s perceptions and desires.
The following chart provides a comparison of these two states of mind.
Being of Two Minds
Our egos are focused outside of ourselves and are all about preserving our sense of personal identity in this world – not only in and of ourselves, but in comparison and relationship to others. We perceive and register everything in terms of polarized thinking – I like this/I don’t like that; self/other; right/wrong; desirable/to be avoided. This process of categorizing our experiences relative to what we have known in the past or what we are seeking to create in the future directs us according to the perceived relative merit of the experience or person being encountered. We grade everything and compare our experiences to our expectations and desires. Our sense of well-being is conditional and fluctuates depending on what is happening in our outer lives. So, we go about life trying to control what comes our way and striving to manifest more happiness and less unhappiness.
In contrast, when we are being fully present we are immersed in the experience of the present moment itself – suspending judgment and categorization. We do not filter out or avoid “undesirable” experiences and individuals, but rather learn how to be in their presence without losing our sense of well-being. We are not trying to sanitize our lives of all unpleasant experiences, but rather building the inner strength and wisdom to effectively encounter all of life.
We live in a society that seduces us to seek validation and fulfillment outside ourselves. It does so without first nurturing us in getting to know ourselves. Most of us are not guided in developing the inner confidence, discernment, resilience, and inner infrastructure needed to effectively maintain our well-being, while navigating life’s ordinariness and challenging transitions. As a result, we often lose track of ourselves and experience all kinds of unnecessary frustrations, disappointments, sadness, self-doubt, and hopelessness that could have been avoided if we were only better acquainted with ourselves, and knew how to thrive in our own skin through all that life brings our way.
It is important to learn how to distinguish between what we think we know through the filter of our ego and what we know to be true from a deeper place within us. This profound kind of knowing usually shows up effortlessly. For me, there is typically an inner calm that comes over me and a resonance within that recognizes truth when I encounter it. It feels like tapping into wisdom rather than learning information.