Author Archive for: Judith

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When Your Dreams Don’t Come True

How often are you disappointed? Do your disappointments tend to be about life-altering things or just not getting what you want in daily life? Just because we want something doesn’t mean it will or should show up in our life. The problem with dissatisfaction is not what you didn’t get.  It’s what you created in […]

The Top 5 Things to Do When a Loved One Is Dying

Like a soldier going into battle for the first time, being my mother’s caregiver for the final nine years of her life was a baptism by fire for me. My mother and I learned so much useful information through those years that she made me promise I would write a book about what we learned. […]

Are You Suffering Unnecessarily?

Do you often find yourself saying “It isn’t fair” or thinking you have more than your share of suffering? Do you play the story of “what happened to you” over and over in your mind like a hamster running in his wheel? Consider the possibility that there IS something you can do about that.The place […]

What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

When was the last time you thought about your own death? 5 seconds ago? 5 years ago? What DO you think will happen when you die? How does that inform how you are living your life? Death is the most fascinating topic that we tend not to think or talk about very much. In the […]

How to Maintain Your Inner Well-Being – Part 2

Did you know that your brain gives preference to visual information? Researchers L.D. Rosenblum, Harold Stolovitch, and Erica Keeps refer to our senses as learning portals. They offer the following statistics regarding the percentage of data processed by each of our five senses: Sight (both through our eyes and unconscious visual perception) accounts for an […]

How to Handle Family Dynamics Around a Dying Loved One

Families can be complicated, to say the least. When they are beautifully loving and caring, it’s one of God’s most delightful gifts. But often, when the well-being of a critically-ill loved one is involved, tensions can flare. We don’t all love in the same way. And, love is often tainted by self-serving motivations or competition […]

How to Maintain Your Inner Well-Being – Part 1

If any of the following sound familiar, you will be delighted to know you can eliminate them all! Feeling like an outsider Never feeling like you are good enough Being aware of an inner emotional heaviness or depression Experiencing a repetitive pattern of disappointment The emotional heat of perpetual anger The inability to deeply connect […]

What’s Wrong With Right/Wrong Thinking?

My friend Roy was a great teacher for me. He was a retired farmer who had dropped out of school at an early age. But, he had more wisdom than most of the world’s great scholars. I remember when I used to complain to him about other people who did things I didn’t like. When […]