Why Hospitals Are The Worst Place To Be When You Are Sick (Part 1)
Serving as primary caregiver to my mother during the last six months of her life was my first prolonged and intimate encounter with the healthcare system. I was shocked and deeply disturbed to discover the many ways that our healthcare system…

The Top 5 Things to Do When a Loved One Is Dying
I have far more I'd like to say on this topic than can be contained in a single post. So I will summarize my top five here and do follow-up articles on each of the five in the future series, What To Do When A Loved One Is Dying: Parts 1-5.

Do You Have ‘The Little Blue Book’ in Your House?
If you are wondering what I'm talking about, it is for you that I am writing this blog! Here's the bottom line: We were all born one moment of one day, and each of us is going to die one moment of another day -- we just don't get to know when…

Advance Healthcare Planning Part One: Not Just for Old People
There's been a big push in recent years to educate the public about Advance Healthcare Planning (AHP). The focus has been primarily on the forms you need to fill out and why they are so important. But, there is so much more to it than filling…

Is Death the End Or Is There Something More?
No doubt, most of us, if given the choice, would prefer to die peacefully in our sleep with no unfinished business with ourselves or others. This we call "a good death." But it is important to look below the surface of this idea to understand…