The Importance of End-of-Life Preparation
We live in a society that has an enormous taboo against thinking about and talking about death. Yet there is a 100 percent probability that each of us will die. For the 80 percent who do not put their affairs in order, their loved ones will…
Why We Need to Talk About Death and Dying
Both individually and collectively, we are paying an enormous emotional and financial price for being silenced by our society's taboo against talking about death and dying. Other societies educate their members about the reality of death and…
Talking to Doctors About a Terminal Diagnosis
If you receive a terminal diagnosis, you may be shocked or not, but one thing is very clear, you have some important decisions to make. Others can advise you and/or express their concerns, but ultimately it is you, and only you, who must decide…
6 Ways To Talk About Death And Dying
In response to my 8/9/10 post entitled "The Importance of End of Life Preparation," Valencie Bathe wrote:
How I want to die needs to be dinner table conversation... not whispered and forgotten. There is no shame in dying and planning to die…
The Power of Bearing Witness
There are times in life when the highest honor, the greatest love is paid to another by simply bearing witness to his or her experience. Bearing witness is largely nonverbal. It is the choice to give the gift of a pure expression of love and…
Honoring the Memory of a Deceased Loved One
This post was inspired by an email I received from a reader regarding last week's blog, "The Power of Bearing Witness." He wanted to know how to bear witness to a friend who had died. When bearing witness to the living, it is essential to take…
Facing the Holidays When You’ve Lost a Loved One
If you have recently lost a loved one with whom you would otherwise be sharing this holiday season, you might be finding yourself wanting to burrow under your covers with a box of tissues until the holidays have passed. If this sounds like you,…
More About Carrying Your Grief Through the Holidays
Last week's article, "Facing The Holidays When You Have Lost a Loved One" seems to have struck a nerve. So, I'd like to go more deeply into this topic this week. While grief is an exquisitely private matter, in order to move on, most of us need…
Why End-Of-Life Planning Is Such A Good Idea
The fact that most people do not even know what end-of-life planning involves is both sad and the source of an enormous amount of stress and distress for many families. We have all heard horror stories about families fighting over a loved one's…
Why Hospitals Are the Worst Place to Be When You Are Sick (Part 2)
I am deeply grateful for the outpouring of compassion as well as the wealth of information I received from readers in response to my recent post, "Why Hospitals Are the Worst Place to Be When You Are Sick." The spread of infections in hospitals…