How Did You Get to Be the Way You Are?
One of the fundamental themes I weave into my work with coaching clients has to do with fully embracing and focusing upon what hurts in them and how they have learned to deal with or avoid their suffering. This is usually the antithesis of…
Can You Trust Yourself?
Trust is an interesting concept -- and far more exciting as an action. Trusting yourself involves the willingness and confidence to rely on your own integrity, abilities, and character to meet the challenges of a particular experience, or all…
Are You Strategically Living Your Life?
Strategic planning is typically thought of in terms of how large businesses and nations design a plan of action to accomplish their specific goals -- but it is a fabulous tool for individuals as well. If you find yourself disappointed by your…
Obesity, Addiction, and Repression – Part 2
Part 1 of this article addressed the dynamics of excess body weight being a side effect of addiction whereby food is used to repress and numb unbearable (often unconscious)…
Obesity, Repression, and Addiction – Part One
For many of us who struggle with excess body weight, “success” in losing weight is soon followed by regaining those pounds and then some. Just now, at the age of 64, I am recognizing why this has been happening to me and perhaps to many…
Do challenges devastate you or define you?
As a life coach, I spend a lot of time helping clients to pay close attention to their autopilot reaction to challenges in their lives. What you consider to be challenges and how you respond to them are defining factors in the quality of…
What Kind of Relationship Do You Have With God?
I was recently on a panel discussion on HuffPost Live about the reality of death and how it can test our faith. We were discussing a post by a teenager named Alice who eloquently expressed her mental and emotional reaction to death and her…
7 Tips for Talking About Health and Money With Elderly Parents
Not since your conversation about the birds and the bees have you and your parents faced such a difficult conversation. Sooner or later, adult children and their elderly parents need to talk about the parents' medical, financial and legal affairs.…
12 Inspirational Quotes To Reframe Our Thinking About Death
Mention death, and specifically human mortality, and most people become visibly disturbed. Yet each and every one of us will die sooner or later, and no one knows when. Thinking about death in the abstract is one thing, but embracing your…
5 Steps To Finding Your Individuality
When it comes to going after what you love in life,
don't take "NO" for an answer.
-- Regina Brett
Much of our stress and dis-ease in life is caused by living a life that does not resonate with our own inner truth. We hide from ourselves and…