3 Shortcuts to Success

1. Don’t blame anyone. Next time you feel mentally or emotionally out of balance, check in with yourself about these three points. Keeping them in mind can save you from a lot unnecessary distress.  When something happens that…

Love: Lighting Each Other Up Inside

  Years ago, I remember being disturbed by my spiritual teacher, John-Roger, describing love as activating or stimulating that place inside of each other where love resides. It seemed so unromantic. I had been raised to believe in the…

Preparing Your Inner Manger

When thinking about the questions, “What are we really doing here?” and “What is the purpose of life?” I always come up with the same answer.  We are preparing our inner manger - a place within ourselves in which the divine can dwell…

What is Your Deeper Calling and Are You Answering the Call?

It took me until my 60’s to deconstruct the persistent patterns of worries, fears and self-doubt that were preventing me from being the best version of myself I knew I could be.  Along the way, I realized that I wasn’t the only woman…

Women Who Doubt Themselves

  I’ve never met a woman who didn’t doubt herself in some way.  Our doubts and fears can either paralyze us or we can learn to hold steady in their presence, assess their content, diminish their power and move forward in spite of…

Where Do We Go From Here?

  For 8 years now, the Democrats have accused the Republicans of foul play for their obstructionist behavior and lack of support of Obama as president of our land.  Tomorrow, the 45th president of the United States will be inaugurated…

Are You in Charge of What You Think?

  In the theater of one’s mind is a multi-dimensional consciousness in which our thoughts point our attention in a particular direction.  Neuroscientists have discovered that repetitive thoughts form neural pathways as neurons that…

When Your Partner Becomes a Stranger

Sometimes, seemingly out of left field, your partner becomes someone you don’t recognize. An invisible line gets crossed and you find yourself being treated like his or her enemy or someone they are disinterested in rather than as their…

What Do You Really Believe?

When was the last time you challenged your own beliefs? When I work with couples to design their wedding ceremonies, I always ask them how they were raised in terms of religion and spirituality and where they are now in those terms in their…

Who Pushes Your Buttons?

We all have sensitivities to the behaviors of others and it can be helpful to look below the surface of that dynamic. Our automatic response is generally to blame and judge the other person and then to attempt to get them to change their behavior.…

Consciousness/Thriving Posts: