When Your Dreams Don’t Come True
How often are you disappointed? Do your disappointments tend to be about life-altering things or just not getting what you want in daily life? Just because we want something doesn’t mean it will or should show up in our life.

Do You Feel Like You’re On The Outside Looking In?
One theme I have noticed with many of my mentoring clients is the feeling of being on the outside looking in. This might be how they feel in a particular social situation such as with their family, at work, or with a particular group of friends.…

Are You Suffering Unnecessarily?
Do you often find yourself saying “It isn’t fair” or thinking you have more than your share of suffering?
Do you play the story of “what happened to you” over and over in your mind like a hamster running in his wheel?

Keeping The Doors Of Love Open In Your Relationship
Does your relationship provide a safe emotional environment for you both?
Are you free to be who you are?
Or, do you edit yourself around your partner to avoid negative reactions?
Do you walk on eggshells around each other?

How to Maintain Your Inner Well-Being – Part 2
Did you know that your brain gives preference to visual information?
Researchers L.D. Rosenblum, Harold Stolovitch, and Erica Keeps refer to our senses as learning portals. They offer the following statistics regarding the percentage of data…

How to Maintain Your Inner Well-Being – Part 1
If any of the following sound familiar, you will be delighted to know you can eliminate them all!
Feeling like an outsider
Never feeling like you are good enough
Being aware of an inner emotional heaviness or depression

Never Forget These Two Numbers: 11 Million and 40 – They Rule Your Life
Every second, we are bombarded with information.
What Do We Perceive?
In his book, Strangers to Ourselves, Timothy Wilson quantifies the processing capabilities of the human brain.
While the conscious mind processes 40 bits of information…

What Are You Afraid Of?
Fear is a Fantasy Expectation Appearing Real.
Fear can get triggered in many ways. Some people are afraid of dogs or snakes or spiders, for example. Others fear experiencing such emotional states as humiliation, rejection, shame,…

What Gives Your Life Meaning?
What sustains you?
What puts a smile on your face and lights up your heart?
What keeps the embers of your soul on fire?
What really matters deeply to you?
It is so easy to get caught up in the ongoing activities and demands of…

Celebrating Oneness in Diversity
Do you and your partner frequently battle over who is "right" and who is "wrong?" If so, battles will be won, but a war will rage on.
Right/wrong thinking makes a relationship an ongoing power struggle. It is the territory of two ego personalities…