What One Change Would You Make in the World?
I'm sure I am not the only one who plays the game "if I were king or queen." We all have ideas about how things shoulda, coulda, woulda been better if only the powers that be would do what we think they should. I'd like to share my personal…

Love with a Capital ‘L’: Recognizing the Divine Through Another
Many believe that the highest expression and experience we can attain in life is to love one another. Yet love is highly misunderstood. There is great confusion about the causation of love and the ways in which we are one and those that separate…

The Distinction Between Observation and Judgment
We observe something when we become aware of it. We acknowledge "this is so." We judge when we form an opinion, as in "I think this about that." Observation is a neutral act of taking in information upon which we base our responses. Judgment…

What Kind of Life Are You Creating for Yourself?
"I am seeking the fullest expression of myself as a human being on Earth."
--Oprah Winfrey
Can you even begin to imagine if each and every one of us lived our lives with deep commitment to such a lofty vision? Why don't we? What do we make…

How To Give Gifts With A Smile
"He gives little who gives with a frown;
he gives much who gives little with a smile."
--The Talmud
Coming out of the holiday season, I've heard many stories from friends and clients about giving and receiving gifts. One significant lesson…

Are You Living In Your Own World?
Each one of us is the star, producer, director and audience of our very own feature film in the theater of our mind. It's like living in our own parallel universe. There is the "real world" -- within which we all exist and interact with one…

Finding a Deeper Love This Valentine’s Day
With the romantic hype of Valentine's Day, it is easy to get caught up in judgment about our own "love life" as we call it. Do I have someone to send me flowers and cards of adoration? Will someone be taking me out for a romantic evening? If…

A Spiritual Perspective On Greed
"If I am not for myself, then who will be for me?
And if I am only for myself, then what am I?
And if not now, when?" -- Rabbi Hillel
"The problem which divides people today is not a political problem;
it is a social one.
It is a matter of…

Embracing the Truth of the Permanently Impermanent
Whenever we view something as permanent, reliable and unchangeable, we eventually find that time or the alteration of the parameters of our perspective reveal an underlying impermanence. For example, many people say that the only things one…

The Problem with the Past and the Future
How much time do you spend dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? These mental and emotional creations are all figments of your imagination -- mockups of how reality might be different. Meanwhile, reality is staring you right in…